Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Blair defends another and another and another

Four jags has had an affair, and this time not with the famous make of car or another crazy spending spree on a house.

Of all the people to have an affair in the Labour Party, four jags was the last one that i expected to have a scandal of this nature.

The affair is reported to have started at an office party
Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott has confessed to having had an affair with one of his secretaries. The MP for Hull East said he regretted the relationship with Tracey Temple, 43, which had ended "some time ago".

"I have discussed this fully with my wife Pauline who is devastated. I would be grateful if [we] can get on with our lives together," a statement said.

Downing Street said it was a "private matter" and that Mr Prescott, 67, had the full backing of Tony Blair.

Mmm, the lives of politicians.....

Well, i guess we should give him some credit for trying to loose weight.

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